4 Winter Gardening Ideas - Nuleaf

4 Winter Gardening Ideas

It may be the cooler time of year, but there is still gardening to be done! Here are 4 quick gardening ideas for you to keep busy this winter.  


Pruning is a great way to tidy up the garden and stimulate growth, especially if you are growing fruit/ornamental deciduous trees, roses, hydrangeas, fuchsias and hibiscus. 

Most trees will drop their leaves coming into colder months, making Autumn and Winter a perfect time to be able to clearly see the branches and complete a great pruning job! After pruning, plants can look a little bare but fear not, most tropical plants tend to have larger leaves so are easier to clean up and grow back nice and lush!

See us for all of your pruning tools long-handled loppers, secateurs, pruning saws and check out our Pruning Tips Blog for more details!

Planting Vegetables

As our winters are cool and dry , there are some plants that benefit from being planted at this time of year such as popular vegetables including; Beetroot, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Onions, Pumpkin, Sweet corn, Sweet potato, Tomatoes and Zucchini.

There are plenty more winter veggies you can grow in tropical Australia and you can find EDEN SEEDS in store for inspiration. They are the world’s finest Certified Organic Seeds, using old traditional open pollinated seeds. 

If you’re starting your vegetables from seeds, don’t forget to grab Searles 5 in 1 Organic Plant Food, Seedling Trays and Kwik Pot Trays to get you well on your way.

Planting Herbs

Some perfect winter herbs to start planting outside now include basil, coriander, garlic, marjoram, oregano, parsley, thyme and winter tarragon. They can be grown in pots but prefer to spread out and be unrestricted!

Make sure you check each herb's instructions and ensure they get the sun and space they need. Most need 4 hours of full sun each day and herbs like Oregano & Marjoram need up to 4 feet of space around them!

Plant them in loose soil or grab some soil from us to get you started. This creates drainage and space for roots to grow. Don’t over water them either, simply check the soil to a couple inches below the surface and only water if this is dry. 

Lawn Care

If you’d like your grass greener, why not start now? Even in winter, there is plenty you can do to achieve lush green coverage come spring. 

Weed throughout winter, keep the lawn nice and short, fill in bald spots and aerate and fertilise the lawn. Want to know more? We’ve put together 6 Steps to Make Your Grass Greener in our new BLOG. 

Indoor Plants

If you don’t enjoy the outdoor winter climate, give indoor plants a go. They will brighten up the room and are great for boosting your mood!

Indoor plants are quite easy to care for and you can find a large variety of plants that thrive indoors. Just make sure you are giving them the right amount of sun, water and fertiliser. 

You can get creative and start a vertical wall garden, suspend your plants from hanging shelves, bookshelf or pop on the window sill.

Next article Pruning - What you need to know